introspection definition

Introspection (in-truh-spek-shuh n) - noun

1) observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2) the tendency or disposition to do this.
3) sympathetic introspection

Friday, July 20, 2018

Following My Dreams: Who I Am Today

In the last two years I've written for Pitch, Funny or Die, and several others. I've written advertisements for Facebook. I've written and published articles on mental health websites. I've had businesses use my stuff for tweets. I've sold memes. I've even had a few things go viral.

It took me a long time to get here. To believe in myself. As a writer and more. To contribute to the world in a meaningful way.

And trust me, that wasn't always easy. A lot of people said I needed to stop and contribute in what they called "actual ways."

But what is actual? Who determines what isn't?

To me, being a writer is actual. I'll never let myself forget that.

Listen. If you have a dream... Be it a writer, an artist, a comedian, a musician, a producer, an actor... Whatever. Do NOT let anyone convince you that it isn't a contribution. That it isn't meaningful.

Follow your fucking dreams.

I'm glad I did.