introspection definition

Introspection (in-truh-spek-shuh n) - noun

1) observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2) the tendency or disposition to do this.
3) sympathetic introspection

Monday, August 22, 2016

A.S. 8/22/16

There are few with hearts like ours
And even fewer that boast our scars
Although we have much that we share
Objectively, we don't compare

I do not have a face like yours
My resolve weakens while yours endures
I may lose faith, but yours stays strong
When I stumble and fall, you carry on

When I can't laugh, your smile glows
Where my doubt starts, your love grows
When I lose sight, your vision clears
When my trust fades, yours appears

There exists much in life ahead
That we both claim, that we've both said
Despite all that we've seen or done
There a few like us, and like you? -There's none.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Another Argument Against Trump

About the flood in Louisiana... About Trump coming to show support while Obama "vacationed."

I ask you to consider a couple things.

First, the governor told Trump not to come.  It wasn't that he thought Trump's supplies couldn't help.  I'm sure some did.  It was that his appearance would cause impediments.  That the most important thing at that moment wasn't to see a candidate, but to receive lifesaving aid.  He knew that resources would be diverted if he came down.  They were.  He knew people needed to help would gather to see him.  They did.  So he asked that he didn't come.  That request was ignored.

Second, it was requested that if he insisted on coming, to do so without media attention.  This wasn't a time for photos.  This wasn't a time for a politician to appear at a disaster to further political gains.  If he wanted to come to show support, photo ops were unneeded and frankly, disrespectful.  That request was also ignored.

Third, the office of the governor asked in lieu of these things, if he really wanted to help, if he really cared most about the people of Louisiana and not just the appearance of caring... to just donate.  No trucks.  No hat signing.  No meet and greet.  Donate to the Flood Relief Fund.  Think about how the money spent on travel, his staff, and the trucks could have been used if he had stayed home and gave a charitable donation.  But he didn't stay home.  Because we all know that old expression...

If a billionaire signs a check for Flood Relief and gives it to a state in crisis and there's no camera to take a picture of it... Did he really give the money at all?

Fourth, and this is the big one...

Imagine what it would take to secure an area for President Obama, especially in a flooded area.  The threats that would need to be ascertained and neutralized before bringing him in.  The amount of resources diverted.  The Governor knew this.  That's why he asked President Obama to hold off, focus on sending relief, and come at a later date to ensure rescue efforts did not abate.  Obamadid not ignore that request.

Here's the thing.  Appearing to be presidential and BEING presidential are two very different things.

So what is more presidential?  Ignoring the Governor of a state to appear presidential in a photo?

Or is it listening to the Governor of a state and giving it the necessary time to ensure rescue efforts are not blocked or otherwise impeded?

Friday, August 19, 2016

Trump's Shameless Statues

Body shaming?  Double standards?  Hate?

This was art.  Hard to look at, but still art.

Art doesn't have to be pretty.  It doesn't have to be censored.  It's not about being politically correct or conforming.

It's about the OPPOSITE of these things.

It's to make you feel something.  Promote a dialogue.  Point out a flaw in the world.  Show a blemish.  Whether it makes you cringe or smile, art is this ridiculously unapologetic thing that just has to exist to be what it is.

Good art and bad art?  These are interpretations.  A brilliant author may be unrecognized in his time and die penniless... and a few centuries later, he's recognized as a literary genius.

Perspective over time.

My perspective?

This statue highlighted an important point with the Republican candidate.

If you take away his rich suit, strip away his hubris, comment on his body as he has commented so horribly about the bodies of others, and call him an Emperor (which is what he would be, even if he claimed the mantle of President)... You get a real, unadulterated, completely uncensored look at the candidate as he really is.

It may be hard to look at... But the truth usually is.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Trump Tells Us Why No Political Background Is a Plus


"I'm not a politician.  I have no experience in politics.  Can I blow up countries because I feel like it?  I dunno.  I'll ask.  What does the FEC say about reaching out to foreign nationals for bribes?  No clue.  I'm sure they're on board with it.  I'll do it without checking. 

I have zero experience when it comes to handling sensitive matters.  I will make mistakes and take no accountability for the consequences that result. 

I do not understand what is and isn't appropriate for a Presidential hopeful to do or say about the violent dictators of other countries.

These are positives about me. 

Having experience in a job is unnecessary. 

If I was hiring a man to be the CEO of a Trump owned business, would I choose a man with years of job experience and a background in business?  No.  I would hire a man who has no idea what the job entails.

Vote for me.  I might do less terrible than you think."

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

My Appeal To Donald J Trump

To Donald J Trump,

You don't know me.  I'm just another American, a conscientious man trying to stay informed and objective in preparation for the upcoming presidential election. 

I make it a point (one that I'm proud of) to consider both sides of any story.  Somewhere between slant A and slant B lies the truth.  So with some fair consideration, some digging, and by leaving emotion at the door... I believe I can say that I have a fair understanding of a situation.

Mr. Trump, I create satire, jokes, and memes.  I pride myself at taking life as lightly as possible.  Where there is sadness, I choose to smile.  Where there is pessimism,  I look for a silver lining.  I will laugh where others cry because to laugh in the face of tragedy is, in my opinion, conquering that tragedy.

I have tried to stay true to this side of me, but I cannot do this anymore.

Donald Trump, I am appealing to you as a long time Conservative turned Centrist.  I am appealing to you as an American who loves this country, the son of an Officer in our military, the brother of hard working mothers, the father of an innocent 8 year old daughter, and friend to lives you would drastically impact if allowed in the most watched, influential, and powerful  position in the world.  I am appealing to you as a human being of this world, a world you would shape, a world you would affect, on the grandest of scales for a minimum of four years.  I am appealing to you, desperately, to hear me now.

Stand down.

This is the time to hang up your expensive suit and tie.  This is the time to recognize the ramifications that your words have had on our nation and on the world. 

Stand down.

You have divided a nation, and undone years of progress.  You have proven how deep xenophobia and prejudice still run in this country.  You have allowed your arrogance and hubris to undo all that civil rights leaders and humanitarians have fought, bled, and died for.  You have taken their sacrifices and let them down.  You have taken the American people and let them down.  And, if elected, you will take the positivity of all the people of this world and let them down.

So, I appeal to you...

Stand down.

You are letting narcissism and megalomania drive us into the ground.  You've added fuel to a dying fire.  The fire called hate.  You are promoting that hate.  You are feeding that hate.  You are breeding that hate.  And, if elected, you can only do worse.

Lord Acton said that absolute power corrupts absolutely.  This fact is a fair point to consider and easily proven true.  Orwell wrote about it, as did Rand and Collins.  They wrote of a utopia that wasn't utopia.  A paradise that was more like a hell. 

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Well, what if a man is corrupt prior to attaining that power?  What if the man is dangerous and unstable prior to receiving a position of vast influence, of arguably our world's most vital pedestal?

You are that man.  In my opinion, I believe you to be far too unfit to see this election to completion, for the damage you have done on the way to the White House can only be made greater if you were allowed to sit at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office.

Arrogance has blinded you to a point of zero accountability for your words, your actions, and your consequences.

Mr. Trump, once again, you don't know me.  I'm just an American of good conscience who wants his daughter to see a person of good fortitude, strength, and integrity lead our country these next four years. 

I am just a father.  A brother.  A son. 

And I am asking you to stand down.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Trump Hints At Hillary Assassination

To the people saying good?

Really?  REALLY?

You can dislike a person.  You can abhor them.  You can challenge their ideas, platforms, and convictions.

But when you have a large base of devoted, angry, and (often times) easily unhinged 2nd Amendment gun toting followers?

You do not sanctify, suggest, ask, challenge, request, or even joke about their safety being threatened.

There is a reason the entire Republican party is leaving in droves.

This man is desecrating what it means to be a Conservative.

If you're a Republican with good conscience?  Do not DARE to defend this man.

Not even his own party supports him anymore.

Why do you?

Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Problem Isn't Trump, It's With Us

The problem with Trump is more about our lack of progress in the acceptance of diverse people.

We are accepting of different races.  Different sexual orientations.  Different ideologies, different religions, and different philosophies.

But we aren't accepting yet of racist hypocritical xenophobes who spout hate.  We haven't made that leap yet.

When will the day come when we can be sensitive to the insensitivity of our fellow man?

Why can we fight racism but not be accepting of racists?

One day the world will change.

I hope my children see a world where a man like Trump can be accepted for his awfulness.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Trump Before The Baby Incident

Trump Campaign Manager:  "Now Donny? Donny!  Give me the phone!  No more Twitter.  Ok.  Look.  Republicans are leaving the party.  You're down in the polls.  Time to pull out an old classic.  Can you kiss a baby?"

Trump:  "Punch a baby?"

Campaign Manager:  "What?!  No!  Kiss a baby!"

Trump:  "Deport a baby?"

Campaign Manager:  "Jesus, no.  Forget I said anything.  Forget the whole idea." 

Trump:  "No, you're onto something.  I'm gonna kick a baby out of the rally."

Campaign Manager:  "What!?  That's the opposite of what I wanted!"

Trump:  "I could do a Nazi salute?"

Campaign Manager:  "... Just kick the baby out of the rally."

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Trump's Psychological Evaluation

Trump is great at self diagnosis. 

He diagnosed himself with severe narcissism brought on by the sacrifices he made as a silver spoon fed baby that wasn't allowed to cry while his father was speaking.  He also diagnosed himself with PTSD after going through boarding school, which gave him more military experience than those that didn't dodge the draft, which resulted in him getting that unearned Purple Heart he always had his eye on.

He then realized he had a penchant for anger and intolerance, but thanks to much counseling to himself by himself, he was able to call himself cured.

He will admit that he suffers from a psychosis that makes him believe the entire world is out to get him, but he knows pills are unnecessary to curb that issue if he just nukes the entire world.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Arguing With a Trump Supporter. The August 2nd Edition

Your grammar and spelling suggests ignorance.

Your political views prove it's more than a suggestion.

Trump is a hypocrite, a misogynist, a xenophobic imbecile, a megalomaniac, a liar, a thief, and a sorry excuse for a Conservative.

He is a man wholly without scruples.  He has no redeeming qualities.  He is an embarrassment to our country on the way to the White House and a danger to the entire world if he makes it there.

He is repugnant.  He can't follow FEC guidelines.  He sees inexperience as a plus instead of a detriment.

He engages in schoolyard bullying tactics to defame.  He uses Twitter to spout hate, he uses the stage to incite ignorance, and he has broken far too many promises during his campaign.

If he is breaking promises now, what makes you think he won't once elected?

All those things he's swearing to do... You really think he'll do them?

Look at his track record. 

He blames the media for twisting his words? 

His words don't need twisting.  They are already twisted.  You couldn't make him sound any worse if you tried.  He takes his prejudices to the apex of disrespect.  To the highest echelon of reprehensible intensity. 

He is an unfit moron. 

Hillary has her faults...

Trump has truckloads. 

There's a reason Republicans are abandoning their party.  A reason so many Conservatives are distancing themselves from their candidate.

Because he's not one of them.  He chose that party to secure the devoted and large voter base.  Not because they align with his beliefs.

He had two choices... Republican or Democrat. 

My guess?  He flipped a coin.

To say that I have no other argument than to insult your comprehension of the English language was an interesting choice.  You focused on the smaller issue, then resorted to name calling, tired rhetoric, and buzz words devoid of any real understanding of the debate at hand.

A Trump tactic.  Maybe that's why you're in his corner?  All the similarities you share?

You guys could add your I.Q. scores together and you'd still be in the negatives.