introspection definition

Introspection (in-truh-spek-shuh n) - noun

1) observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2) the tendency or disposition to do this.
3) sympathetic introspection

Monday, August 22, 2016

A.S. 8/22/16

There are few with hearts like ours
And even fewer that boast our scars
Although we have much that we share
Objectively, we don't compare

I do not have a face like yours
My resolve weakens while yours endures
I may lose faith, but yours stays strong
When I stumble and fall, you carry on

When I can't laugh, your smile glows
Where my doubt starts, your love grows
When I lose sight, your vision clears
When my trust fades, yours appears

There exists much in life ahead
That we both claim, that we've both said
Despite all that we've seen or done
There a few like us, and like you? -There's none.

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