introspection definition

Introspection (in-truh-spek-shuh n) - noun

1) observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2) the tendency or disposition to do this.
3) sympathetic introspection

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Another Argument Against Trump

About the flood in Louisiana... About Trump coming to show support while Obama "vacationed."

I ask you to consider a couple things.

First, the governor told Trump not to come.  It wasn't that he thought Trump's supplies couldn't help.  I'm sure some did.  It was that his appearance would cause impediments.  That the most important thing at that moment wasn't to see a candidate, but to receive lifesaving aid.  He knew that resources would be diverted if he came down.  They were.  He knew people needed to help would gather to see him.  They did.  So he asked that he didn't come.  That request was ignored.

Second, it was requested that if he insisted on coming, to do so without media attention.  This wasn't a time for photos.  This wasn't a time for a politician to appear at a disaster to further political gains.  If he wanted to come to show support, photo ops were unneeded and frankly, disrespectful.  That request was also ignored.

Third, the office of the governor asked in lieu of these things, if he really wanted to help, if he really cared most about the people of Louisiana and not just the appearance of caring... to just donate.  No trucks.  No hat signing.  No meet and greet.  Donate to the Flood Relief Fund.  Think about how the money spent on travel, his staff, and the trucks could have been used if he had stayed home and gave a charitable donation.  But he didn't stay home.  Because we all know that old expression...

If a billionaire signs a check for Flood Relief and gives it to a state in crisis and there's no camera to take a picture of it... Did he really give the money at all?

Fourth, and this is the big one...

Imagine what it would take to secure an area for President Obama, especially in a flooded area.  The threats that would need to be ascertained and neutralized before bringing him in.  The amount of resources diverted.  The Governor knew this.  That's why he asked President Obama to hold off, focus on sending relief, and come at a later date to ensure rescue efforts did not abate.  Obamadid not ignore that request.

Here's the thing.  Appearing to be presidential and BEING presidential are two very different things.

So what is more presidential?  Ignoring the Governor of a state to appear presidential in a photo?

Or is it listening to the Governor of a state and giving it the necessary time to ensure rescue efforts are not blocked or otherwise impeded?

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