introspection definition

Introspection (in-truh-spek-shuh n) - noun

1) observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2) the tendency or disposition to do this.
3) sympathetic introspection

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

As soon as one blog finishes, another sprouts up. It's like the Hydra of cyberspace.

I finished the new blog about old thoughts.  I have a list of blogs in the right side of each blog leading to the other blogs.  Thoughts of Yesterday was pretty much a collection of my Myspace blogs.  I wanted to have my thoughts there for Lily if she ever wanted to read them. 

With that finished...I have been kicking an idea around for a while about commenting on the news... entertainment, politics, etc.  And thus The Durden News Channel was born.

It will be serious sometimes, funny others... but ultimately I'll try to follow a set course of reasoning instead of things like political parties or religious affiliations as a basis for my opinions.  I don't expect everyone to agree with my opinions.  On the contrary.  I want to hear many different viewpoints. 

Oh and...

First rule about The Durden News Channel is... don't talk about The Durden News Channel.

The Durden News Channel

One more blog:  Let's Review.  So far it's just book and movie reviews.  Two up there so far. 

Yeah, a lot of blogs.  Still trying to find my niche as a writer.  I figure the more mediums I tackle, the faster I'll find my calling.

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