introspection definition

Introspection (in-truh-spek-shuh n) - noun

1) observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2) the tendency or disposition to do this.
3) sympathetic introspection

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Conservatives versus Liberals: Traditions and Change

(Someone claimed that Conservatives were moral and loyal to tradition... and Liberals sacrificed individuals for "the greater good."  This was my response).

That is incorrect.  But an interesting contention.

Conservatives hold loyalty to outdated ideas.  It's all about tradition.  A refusal to change, despite better options.  It masquerades as keeping with morality, but it's a flawed morality.  A very, very flawed morality.  And a stubborn arrogance that will not yield to new evidence, opinions, or progression.

The thing is, stagnation breeds disease.  And Republicans?  They're standing still.

You can dig in your heels and refuse to move while the world changes around you, but the world will keep going.  Time will keep moving forward.  Ideals and new philosophies will emerge.  Conservatives call these threats.  They aren't.

It's a deep-seated narcissism.  A belief that no idea is better than their ideas. 

Every new train of thought is deemed radicalism.  Buzzwords become defenses.  Words like "Socialism" and "traitor" are thrown at anyone who thinks differently than their preconceived notions. 

Could you imagine if society refused to move past the "moral code" of the Romans?  We'd have people cheering on the deaths of slaves in the greatest Coliseum of the Midwest.

Now, there's nothing wrong with having traditional values.  The best moral lessons from Aesop's Fables still hold up today.  For good reason.

So don't abandon the wonderful ideals of the Republican party. 

Just don't act obstinate to all the ideals outside of it.  Cus some of them are pretty great too.

Oh, and I'm a Centrist.  So... These are thoughts from a neutral standpoint.  Even if they appear left-wing. 

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