Trump sent a survey out that was both funny and terrifying.
I decided his multiple choice was far too limiting.
These were my answers.
1) Do you believe that the mainstream media has reported unfairly on our movement?
I believe that it can feel that way to Trump and his administration. However, in my opinion, I truly don't think that the mainstream media is reporting unfairly. Trump calls the right slant (or any other news that repeats his contentions) the only real news. Then Trump calls the left slant AND many unbiased outlets fake news. So no. The problem isn't the MSM. The problem is our President stating only the news he likes to be legitimate. In the future, I'd like to see him work on staying calm and even tempered regardless of what any news outlet says. "Our critics are our friends. They show us our faults."
2) Do you trust MSNBC to report fairly on Trump's presidency?
I think they will do as they always have. They will report the news, with the slant they are known for. Just like Fox will report with their slant. They did it before the Trump presidency. They'll do it after.
3) Do you trust CNN to report fairly on Trump's presidency?
I was raised Republican. I lived and breathed it. I was a Conservative my entire life... Until the 2016 election. That being said, I watched CNN growing up. It does tend to report with a left slant. But that isn't the same as unfair reporting. Fox is slanted right, but you call it fair. Why is a right slant fair and a left slant unfair? It can't be both ways. Now... It's ok to say you like media that has a Conservative history and dislike media that has a Liberal one. It is not ok to disrespect the outlets or journalists of them on social media or in a press conference. Not if you're the President. Because while CNN may have a slant... The network is still comprised of American citizens. Trump's constituents. They deserve your respect. Whether they return it or not. You need to be the bigger person. That is what it means to be presidential.
4) Do you trust Fox News to report fairly on Trump's presidency?
Again, they will report with a Conservative slant. This doesn't make them worse than CNN... But it doesn't make them better either.
5) On which issues does the mainstream media do the worst job of representing Republicans? (Select as many that apply.)
None. Each issue will be reported. Biased or unbiased. Slanted or not. The MSM media is not the problem.
6) Which television source do you primarily get your news from?
I watch CNN, Fox News, NBC, my local news, and I watch late night satire shows of all types. I find comedy can, in many ways, be one of the most honest representation of facts.
7) Do you use a source not listed above?
Yes. I read papers, I have debates with Trump supporters and critics alike, I follow the President, his team, and others on Twitter and I follow their fiercest critics. I believe wholeheartedly in being informed on all sides, not just the ones I agree with. The truth is usually not with Slant A or Slant B... It's usually in the middle.
8) Which online source do you use the most?
With the Internet, the options are limitless. And I use so many because of that. But I always start the same way. The source. I watch Spicer's Press Conferences. I watch the President's addresses. I watch Senate hearings and confirmations. Then, I hop online. I switch from Breitbart to CNN, Fox to Guardian, BBC to Huff Post, Buzzfeed to NPR. That is why I know the problem isn't the media. The dissemination of free information, journalism, and knowledge is a boon, not a burden. A problem would be the opposite. If we had an administration that wanted only the stories they liked to be deemed legitimate. If you only allow the news you like, the news you dislike will never be reported on. That means injustices can go unrecognized. Problems can occur and not get fixed. That is a much more terrible thought to me.
9) Do you trust the mainstream media to tell the truth about the Republican Party’s positions and actions?
Yes. I was a Republican for 29 years. I never lost faith in them back then... And I still haven't now.
10) Do you believe that the mainstream media does not do their due diligence fact-checking before publishing stories on the Trump administration?
Everybody has the capacity to make mistakes. I think because of that, the MSM media definitely does their due diligence before reporting. Retractions compromise journalistic integrity. Mistakes can have horrible consequences. So, 9 times out of 10, I think they do an amazing job fact-checking. Does sensationalism still exist? Yes. But ultimately, I have faith in the MSM.
11) Do you believe that the media unfairly reported on President Trump’s executive order temporarily restricting people entering our country from nations compromised by radical Islamic terrorism?
No. I watched the effects on MSM and with my friends and family. I followed the protests. I talked to your supporters and your critics. I feel that the executive order was fairly reported on and that the Trump administration should be ashamed of themselves for the innocent people affected. It was also, in my opinion, wholly un-American.
12) Were you aware that a poll was released revealing that a majority of Americans actually supported President Trump's temporary restriction executive order?
First, you didn't ask all Americans so you can't say that. That being said, I know that many of Trump's supporters spoke about the poll, but I could not ascertain its legitimacy. To me? Polls are but a window into the minds of only the people you ask. Unless you ask everyone affected, which is impossible, you get incomplete statistics. Worse than that, depending on those you poll, you may get biased results, making them rather immaterial. Let me put it this way. I didn't know about the poll. I wasn't asked. I'm one person. I bet many others didn't know. I bet they weren't asked. If you polled everyone at Fox News about the ban and ONLY them... They'd probably agree in MASS to your contentions about the restrictive order (ban, restrictive order, semantics at this point). But if you polled CNN and ONLY them... I bet you'd have results that you would rather not release. Polls are interesting and insightful, but not the best thing to cite. In my opinion, anyways.
13) Do you believe that political correctness has created biased news coverage on both illegal immigration and radical Islamic terrorism?
No. Political correctness doesn't create biases. Not on those issues or any others. PC is mostly about politeness. Human decency. I don't think it compromises journalistic integrity... Of any MSM outlet.
14) Do you believe that contrary to what the media says, raising taxes does not create jobs?
I doubt everything I wrote here will be read, but this survey is horribly biased against the MSM to the point of disheartening disrespect. The MSM doesn't say that. Maybe some do. But some don't. This is what I was talking about. We have an administration that spends more time defending itself rather than the nation. A President obsessed with his hubris rather than the well being of his constituents. On the off chance this is read in its entirety... If I could direct this next aside to the President and his entire administration? Please stop obsessing over what the media is saying. And please stop worrying about the opinions found on Twitter, SNL, The Daily Show, and those of every other man, woman, and child. People will judge this administration as they have judged all the ones before it. It's time to let them and it's time to focus on the nation as a whole. The President needs to stop insisting how great a President he is. If he's a good President, we will see it. He won't have to tell us.
15) Do you believe that people of faith have been unfairly characterized by the media?
Not at all. I feel like Trump's administration may unfairly characterize people of some faiths. That's not ok, in my opinion. Our nation was founded by people wanting the freedom to believe in their faiths, whatever they were. Not just the ones a country insisted upon them.
16) Do you believe that the media wrongly attributes gun violence to Second Amendment rights?
No. I believe in the 2nd Amendment, though I personally don't like guns. That being said, I believe in common sense gun control. Your administration just repealed a law that helped keep guns out of the hands of severely disabled and mentally ill individuals. I find this to be asinine. I can say this for 2 reasons. 1st, I have lost two people in my life who had guns that should not have, that were mentally ill. And 2nd, I am the exact epitome of this definition. I am disabled by reason of mental defect and I have survived suicidal ideation and, I'm ashamed to say, attempts. If I had a gun during my attempts? I would not be here today. I'm not a threat to others, and I never have been. But some people are and have been and may be someday. These people don't need guns. Whether a threat to yourself or others... A firearm can hurt and devastate so many. I hope you can be mindful of this someday.
17) Do you believe that the media has been far too quick to spread false stories about our movement?
Some media has. Not the big ones generally. They have multiple sources, people reporting, tons of versions, contentions, recordings, comments... And again... If you print false stories you lose credibility. The media has as much to lose as you do if a fake story hits the streets. Very few people want disinformation. Most just want the truth.
18) Do you believe that the media uses slurs rather than facts to attack conservative stances on issues like border control, religious liberties, and ObamaCare?
I'm sorry, is this a serious question? I saw more disrespect from Trump to the media at yesterday's conference than I have seen from the media to Trump over conservative stances. So no. I believe the media to be above such pettiness and denigrations.
19) Do you believe that the media purposely tries to divide Republicans against each other in order to help elect Democrats?
No. And I'd like to add that seeing Trump call his constituents that critique him as "the losers" or "those Dems" as completely uncalled for. Because even if we aren't fans we are still Americans. You still lead our nation. Not just the nation of those who support you... Everyone. Former Presidents handled critiques with humility and a steadfast fortitude. They didn't go on the offensive. They didn't get defensive. They took the critiques and kept going. It's not unfair to ask you to do the same.
20) Do you believe that the media creates false feuds within our Party in order to make us seem divided?
No. People might. But Trump supporters were guilty of this too. The media isn't out to "get" the Trump administration. It's not trying to divide the Republican party. The media didn't make me leave my former lifelong party... Trump did. I will most likely return to my party after his term is over. I'm a Centrist now.
21) Do you believe that the mainstream media has been too eager to jump to conclusions about rumored stories?
Interesting. I think rumored news stories are the starting point for substantiated news stories. The mainstream media might jump on a rumored story, but then they dig deeper. If conclusions are reached, I believe it is after proper vetting and fact checking. I have faith in journalism. I have faith in journalists. I don't know why this administration wants to weaken the press or shake the public's faith in it. You should stress individuals looking deeper... Don't attack the people and institutions that give us the information to do so.
22) Do you believe that if Republicans were obstructing Obama like Democrats are doing to President Trump, the mainstream media would attack Republicans?
Yes. They did. Because they did. I was pretty neutral on Obama, but Republicans did some things in the Senate that Democrats are doing to Republicans now. The difference? Obama responded with respect and dignity. Trump does not. This is less about the media and more about occurrences. I don't understand why this survey is so hateful towards our press.
23) Do you agree with the President’s decision to break with tradition by giving lesser known reporters and bloggers the chance to ask the White House Press Secretary questions?
I think I would find it fair if he allowed bloggers and reporters he liked and disliked to ask Spicer questions... And showed both the same respect while doing it. I feel you can learn more from a question from a critic than a friend. Your friend will ask you a question that is easy to answer and may even make you look good. A critic will give you a hard question, and it may very well highlight a foible, but it can also show your integrity about questions you'd rather not answer. Basically... Even if you'd rather not hear a question... That doesn't mean it shouldn't be asked.
24) Do you agree with President Trump’s media strategy to cut through the media’s noise and deliver our message straight to the people?
No. I find this terrifying, Orwellian, and reminiscent of dystopian literature. A Trump News site, if it was our only site allowed or deemed "reputable," would do a disservice to the American people. Freedom of information is a beautiful thing. Freedom is a beautiful thing. I recommend that your administration should try reading Zamyatin, Orwell, Rand, and Collins. Watch the movies by the Wachowskis. It may shed a light on why your critics are fighting your administration so hard on social media, in the press, at rallies, at protests, and in the nation. We don't want a world like the one in V for Vendetta or The Hunger Games or 1984. Citizen Kane is eerily reminiscent of the Trump administration. A wealthy businessman who knew controlling the media could help control the public. Their opinions of the world and their opinions of him. Put yourself in our shoes. Check them out. What could it hurt to at least read or watch them? You might better understand your constituents.
25) Do you believe that our Party should spend more time and resources holding the mainstream media accountable?
No. You need to focus on the nation. You can't go on the defensive and offensive everytime someone prints a story you don't like. Everytime you do, other important issues fall by the wayside. You sacrifice fixing international crises to talk about media criticisms. You defend your ego and reputation instead of the well-being of the country and the people in it. Focus on policies. Focus on people. Focus on the United States. Become a President people want to emulate... Not one that people fear being compared to. Look at our long wonderful history of esteemed leaders. The way they conducted themselves. During peace time. During wars. Even during scandals. That fortitude and dignity is lacking within our current leader and administration. But that can change... And I hope it does.
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