introspection definition

Introspection (in-truh-spek-shuh n) - noun

1) observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2) the tendency or disposition to do this.
3) sympathetic introspection

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Hillary Email Hypocrisy

If you demonized Hillary about her emails but are now ignoring the severity of Trump sharing classified intel behind closed doors, you need to admit something.

It was never about the action.  You weren't taking some moral high ground.

It was about politics.  The name Clinton.  That's it.

If Trump does something worse (and this was much worse) in the same vein, and you don't care, then you are making it about party. 

That's unreal and honestly?  It's a bit shameful.

We need to admit that the action of mishandling classified information is not partisan specific.  It's bad if you're a Republican or a Democrat.  It's unacceptable whether you are the President or Secretary.  Whether your last name is Trump or Clinton.

Clinton got off easy.  Should she have?  No, not in my opinion.  That being said, Trump is the President of the United States.  This makes his sleight worse.  He fired the man investigating him, then met with the country of said investigation at the White House, behind closed doors, with the Russian media, told our media they couldn't come in, let them take pictures, and shared classified intel.

If Hillary did that?  If Obama did that?  If literally any Democrat did that?

Conservatives would be shouting treason.  So why aren't they?

Because it is, to many of them, an issue of candidate.

And that needs to stop.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Learning to Forgive

I can never forget my mistakes, but I am learning to forgive them.

Everytime I fail to meet my own expectations, I will set two new ones.

If I wrote down all of my successes & failures... the latter would be the longer list.

But my successes?

They were still accomplishments.

I can't devalue what I've done because of all I failed to do.  I can only try harder next time.

This isn't foolishness. 

It's acceptance.

Of course, I have been foolish.

A fact I will not let myself forget.

I will always remember how my weaknesses shaped my reactions.  My actions.  My words.

Even if it hurts to remember them.

But here's the thing.

When I succeeded...  It impacted someone.  It was beneficial.

I brought something positive into the world.

I'll fail again.  But I'll also succeed again.

And while I may not be forgiven for all my mistakes...

Maybe I can take solace in knowing mistakes are not the only thing I'm capable of making.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Her Faults

I saw her faults
But that's not what they were.
They were her quirks,
Her way of coping,
Her inability to trust,
And her disposition
To all the pain
She knew before me
And because of me.

I call them faults
Because she did.
But... That's not what they were.
They were her memories,
Her tragedies,
Her hardships,
And her expectations.

She was not these things.
And these were not faults.
They were a side of her
That was still sensitive.
A reminder of how things were
And more than that
A reminder of how anything
In her life
Could repeat the path
That she had already walked down.

It was her beautiful sadness
It was her perseverance
It was her won experience
It was her terrible strength
And everywhere she saw a possibility
Of just how wrong things could go again
I wanted to show her
How wrong she was
That sometimes life
Finds a way to remind you
To hope again.

She called these faults.
I called these what they were.
They were her marks of courage.
Her memory of times gone right
Before going wrong.
They were her hope before sadness
And her beliefs before painful memories.

These were the furthest thing from her faults.
These were one thing
And only one thing.

These were her.

Mistake the Future

(Chorus 1)
Can you see the reality?
It's my eternity
It's taking over me
I can't deny, take flight,
Suspend my disbelief
It's taking over me
It's taking over me
And then the past repeats.

(Verse 1)
I'm letting go,
I'm taking hold,
Being bold
This narrative is being told
It's hot and cold
It's getting old
And she's the clever,
The first endeavor
The lasting pleasure
That I sever
Freed from the tether
And whatever

She is and can be
I can see
It's in my dreams
It's bursting from the seams
It teems then flees
Because beliefs and needs
They never heed
What I really need
And what I need
Is freedom from the hell
Surrounding me

(Chorus 2)
Can you see the reality?
It's my eternity
It's taking over me
I can't deny, take flight,
Suspend my disbelief
It's taking over me
It's taking over me
And then the past repeats.

(Verse 2)
I've been here before
1,000 times
Or maybe more
I've shown myself to every door
Until Im bruised and sore
This is my fate
But must it be?
The pain in store
Is my fate in my hands
I'm torn
I'm lost, forlorn

Intrepidly I seek
I lose, I creep
I go too deep
Darkness seethes
Then shadows me
Eclipses me
My soul is weak
Suspend my disbelief
I'm tired of the past
When it repeats
And it repeats
It will not cease

(Chorus 3)
The way it happened happens to be
It's my eternity
And God just like before,
It's taking over me
Why do I make mistakes
And feign my disbelief?
It's taking over me
It's taking over me
And then the past repeats.

(Verse 3)
Without a clue
Im losing truth
Then the pain ensues
My heart takes hits, and then it splits,
But hey I'm making do
My memories?
My past with you?
Take them, the old's old news
Because unused
Will grant the peace
We never saw or knew

(Chorus 4)
Will I ever change what I've seen
Change my eternity?
I don't, I can't, I won't
Its taking over me
I must placate,
Replace my disbeliefs
You won't take over me
Without a future
Without me
The past can't repeat
I'm taking over me
I'm taking over me
I end the dream

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Narrative 5/6/17

Let go.
Have her go.
Watch her go.
Give her reasons to go.
Become them.

Let go.
Recognize your faults.
Voice them.
They are yours.
Own them.

Let go.
You knew this was coming.
It was there on the horizon.
It was fate.
Accept it.

Let go.
You have to.
You know it.  As you knew it before.
You were protecting her.
So noble.

Let go.
Give up.
Find solace in knowing
It would have happened anyway
In time.

Let go.
You know what she deserves
And you know you fall short of it.
Make the decision for her to lose you.
You choose.

Let go.
Endure pain.
Cast aside restraint
And choose to narrate
Your end.

Let go.
Even though it was great
And she was remarkable
And she has never...
And could never...
And would never...

Let go.

M.C.K. 5/6/17