introspection definition

Introspection (in-truh-spek-shuh n) - noun

1) observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2) the tendency or disposition to do this.
3) sympathetic introspection

Thursday, August 10, 2017

"But Hillary!"

Trump supporters:  "But Hillary!"

No.  Not "But Hillary!"  Stop it.

Hillary is not POTUS.  Hillary is not saying anything as President. 

Trump is.

The "Well Hillary" and "But Hillary" argument is completely inconsequential at this stage.  All it does is excuse Trump from well-deserved blame and accountability.

Imagine if you and another person were gunning for the same job.  Let's call the other person Karen.  Now, Karen is unlikable.  So you get hired instead.  But on Day 1, you are an awful employee.  You are rude, you lie, and you're just plain terrible at the job.  Sometimes you take off to golf during a shift.  You even treat certain customers and coworkers like garbage because they vote different from you.

So your coworkers complain.  The boss asks you to stop.  You tell him "Hey, I'm better than Karen!"

How many days do you think that excuse will fly?

Karen doesn't work there.  You do.

Stop blaming Karen.

"Well, he's better than Hillary" is a flawed and juvenile retort for a number of reasons.  She has never been President, so we can't say for sure.  You can assume.  But assumptions aren't fact.  They're guesses.

The "He did it bad but she would have done it worse" argument is something we wouldn't let children get away with.  So to use it ourselves?  Absolutely absurd.

At this stage, we can only blame one person for what Trump does.


Diverting attention is not helping anyone.

Excuses will cripple us.  They ARE crippling us.

Trump does a lot of stuff badly.  In fact, the only thing he can do well are bad things.

He says one thing, does another.

He lies, repeatedly.  Then calls facts lies.

He undermines all news that doesn't paint him in a flattering way.

He is unstable, unhinged, and bullying.  Usually at 140 characters at a time.

What happened to the most revered position in American history?  What is this freak show we're watching?

So.  I say to you.

Drop your Hillary Clinton comparisons.  Stop blinding yourself to reality.  You like Republicans.  You hate Democrats.  We get it.

But a Republican is our President.  A Republican is doing terrifying things, made worse but his gross incompetence. 

The focus should be on who is President and not who isn't.

I don't care about how bad you think Hillary would have done.

I care about how badly Trump is doing.

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