introspection definition

Introspection (in-truh-spek-shuh n) - noun

1) observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2) the tendency or disposition to do this.
3) sympathetic introspection

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Media Scapegoat

"You hate Trump because of the Media!"

"The MSM makes him look bad, but he's not!"

"Our country being divided like this is because of the FAKE NEWS, not the President!"

This is the biggest lie being told today.

There are several ways to refute this.  But I'm going to pick the most obvious to me.

Our media has always reported on politics.  The Republican side will warp the news to fit their narrative.  The Democratic side does the same.

And yet it wasn't until 2017 that modern day politics created this level of division in the nation.

So.  What happened?  Where did the vitriol come from? 

Why are families and friends suddenly resorting to shouting matches?  We haven't always been so disparaging.

Let's revisit the common scapegoats used by Trump supporters.

1)  Hillary Clinton:  This stopped being about Hillary the night of November 10th.  Blaming her 10 months later is pointless and, frankly, pathetic.

2)  President Obama:  The former POTUS is a comparative, but the trespasses of Trump are not explained away by the legacy of Barack.

3)  The MSM:  The media has always been there.  They have always reported on politics.  Fox News had 24 hour coverage of Obama being awful for 8 years.

Honestly, Trump doesn't need the media to make him look bad.  Look at his Twitter, the most unfiltered source of his opinions and state of mind.

Trump doesn't need help looking bad.

He does that all on his own.

There is hardly an objective news outlet available.  So don't blame mine and render yours blameless.  Because I assure you... Yours isn't more right.  It's just as biased.

We tend to allow the old information we agree with over new information we don't.  But why are we so arrogant as to believe we know all there is to know?  As children, we soaked up new information like a sponge.  Today, we only allow that which already fits with preconceived notions.

It is imperative that we allow ourselves more openness. 

If we refuse to entertain the possibility that we might be wrong in a debate...

We don't do anyone a disservice by our obstinance but ourselves.

The best thing we can do is two pronged.

First, we must admit that sometimes in the debate we all stand the same odds of being wrong.

Second, stop the attacks towards family and friends.  Because when Trump leaves office, whether in 3 years or in handcuffs, you can't take back the things you said to the people who matter to you most.

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