introspection definition

Introspection (in-truh-spek-shuh n) - noun

1) observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2) the tendency or disposition to do this.
3) sympathetic introspection

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Take the Knee

In 2005 I joined the USAF.  It was my dream.  My family was full of vets and I loved the history of our country.  But above all that, I loved our penchant for freedom.  True freedom.

When I joined, it was with the idea of defending that freedom.  Not just the rights I care about most.  All.

Now, my disorder prevented me from serving.  I can only speak now as an American citizen, not a former vet.

But why do most serve?

Did you fight to defend the rights you agree with?  Or did you fight to defend the rights of all Americans?

Doesn't a vet fight to defend all rights?

This is about more than what we personally enjoy.

Serving, to me, meant I was protecting those back home.  I never did it with the intention to return and demand what freedoms Americans could or could not exercise.

I think many vets feel that way.  Serving was an honor to the country, not a reason to act as though those back home owed me reverence.

You standing or kneeling isn't why I wanted to serve.

I wanted to serve so you'd have the choice between the two.

I respect those who serve and who have served.  You were and are better men than I.

I hate myself for my genetic weakness that prevented me from what was to be a lifetime of service to country and those within.

Still, I would hope those who served would believe as I do... That all freedoms are worth defending.  Not just the ones I personally enjoy.

So.  Please. 

Don't use your service to justify demanding subservience.

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