introspection definition

Introspection (in-truh-spek-shuh n) - noun

1) observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2) the tendency or disposition to do this.
3) sympathetic introspection

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Welcome Back Kotter... I mean, Mike

It has been a while.

A lot has happened... in the news... in my personal life... and it's been hard to think of the words to explain my take on them... hence, the absence.

I have taken a different stance on things as of late. I've tried to stay neutral, which makes opinionated writing very difficult. The trade-off is worth it. I feel that I approach things more logically, am more open to different views, and can contribute more to a conversation without emotions getting the best of me.

That is what my life is ultimately about. Keeping my emotions under control.

First off (and this is something I've been trying not to say outloud too much lest I get my hopes up and it can never be)... I'm looking into joining the Freemasons. I've been researching it for some time, and the more I learn about it the more I'm excited about it. The organization, the rituals, the symbols, the history, the charity, literally everything. I hope that I can call myself a Mason someday... because honestly, I feel it would give me some direction and meaning that I need.

You just don't see enough of everything the Freemasons embody today. The politeness of members, the exchanging of ideas, the compassion... it's remarkable. I have not once been discouraged by the "nay sayers"... or those who are just out to discredit and attack the Freemasons. For every single negative viewpoint I find, I find twenty positives... for every 1 negative thing a religious group states, I find a countless number of responses... both historical and logical... that prove that no matter how great something is, someone will always hate it. Just or not.

If you don't believe there's unbelievable injustice in the world... or downright ignorance running rampant... take a look at the Westboro Baptist Church.

So I can't believe the negative things I hear. Because I let my own reasoning, my own research, and my own logic override it.

It's this reasoning that I have always held. Does it make sense? Do I agree? Can I be dissuaded?

My views are everchanging, but I have found something constant in the Freemasons. I look forward to seeing where this path takes me.

Some good news to announce... my brother in law is about to have another child as is my sister. Yes, she just had a son. I'm very excited for her... and not envious of having two children under two. Lots of diaper changes and feedings are in her future...

Alright... now that which I have felt mixed emotions about. A huge news event. A huge world event.

Osama Bin Laden. I remember hearing the news right as I got home from a visit to Spokane. Immediately my fiance and I turned on the news just in time to catch the first airing of Obama's address giving information. It was remarkable the mix of emotions I felt. This huge part of everyone's lives was finally resolved. He was gone. Can there be backlash? I'm sure. But a serious, deathblow was struck against the heart of terrorism. It felt great.

My great mood wasn't even deterred by some idiot who decided to put bumperstickers saying the government orchestrated 9/11 on our street's stop sign. I currently have a framed copy of the next morning's newspaper framed in the office.

So what are my feelings? I don't know that I can answer that yet. It's something I feel had to be done and that I'm glad was done. Do I feel the lack of a photo and a body was suspicious? Yes. Yet what would we rather have? Constant news airings of a death photo? His body in a travelling show? I think we handled this with maturity and respect, although I know a lot of people aren't that concerned with respecting him in any fashion. In my eyes, despite the atrocities, it's a question of decency. I think not releasing a picture is better for our country... because the last thing I would want is for my little girl to one day be able to google "Bin Laden" and see a picture of a dead man with a bullet hole in his head. No thanks.

I take enough solace in knowing he's gone. And despite the suspicions... I ultimately believe we got him in Pakistan. The way it was reported. Because logic dictates it.

So those are the big things going on. Now... I'm more than exhausted. Hope to update this again soon.

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