introspection definition

Introspection (in-truh-spek-shuh n) - noun

1) observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2) the tendency or disposition to do this.
3) sympathetic introspection

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I was half tempted to put this on my news channel

Alright.  So yeah, I'm a Republican by nature.  In the basic ideals the term embodies.  In most of the key issues the politicians under the term defend.  However, I'm coming to the point where I'm not sure I can call myself a Republican anymore.

I find things right with my party of choice.  More than I find in the other parties out there.  But lately I'm losing faith.

In politics?  No.  In the government?  Certainly not.  Just in the train wreck heading our way next election.

If Donald Trump and Sarah Palin are serious candidates for the Republican party... I can't understand what happened.

Politics have devolved.  The issues that each politician beliefs in... the agenda he supports... is forgotten.  I don't care if it's popular.  I don't care if it's accepted by those in my age group or older.  One thing you support that I agree with or want for this country isn't enough.  You have to be stable enough to handle the job... the best interests of the people... and stand against the allure of popularity. 

Like being part of a reality show. 

I don't need a celebrity in office.  I need someone who's going to fix our economy.  Tackle the problems of today.  Be competent enough to stand up against all the threats... domestic and abroad.  I need to be able to sleep at night, not worrying about whether or not you're smart enough to get through an interview without looking like an idiot.

If Sarah Palin can't get through an interview... a simple back and forth with questions that YOU SHOULD HAVE THE ANSWERS TO... how is she going to deal with the complexities of the most important job in the nation.

We need to remember that the President isn't an American Idol.  He is a celebrity only in the sense that we know who he is.  Not because he said something stupid.  Not because he did drugs.  Not because her daughter got pregnant.  Not because he can use slang and hit flies and look at you like "hey what's the big deal."  He should be a celebrity because he can command the authority of his position with wisdom.  With capability.  In the end he should be a celebrity because he isn't a celebrity.  He's the President.  Eloquent words.  Words with meaning.  Actions with more.  And the direction with advancement in mind... not degradation.

The sad part is... we're either going to see huge changes under a Democratic platform next election... huge changes that avoid the key changes we need...

Or we're going to have a Republican whose interests aren't where we need them... an ongoing joke... where we can only cross our fingers and pray that we make it through the next four years... and that no lasting damage is caused to what used to pass as who should be President of the United States.

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