introspection definition

Introspection (in-truh-spek-shuh n) - noun

1) observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2) the tendency or disposition to do this.
3) sympathetic introspection

Monday, November 14, 2011

Moving on

"You know there's moving on in theory... and then there's the moment when it actually happens"

A quote from Smallville (that I probably butchered, having not done adequate fact checking) that I find more true today than the first moment I heard it.

I am blessed... to have good friends, great family, and a little girl who I know will always be there for her old man.  I'm single, and while this used to result in a tailspin of clinging to past relationships, an intense depression, and bargaining (one of the stages of grief, I'm told), I'm lucky to be grown up enough (or just well versed in the ultimate outcomes of these actions) to have come out relatively unscathed.

I must apologize... there are many people who have felt the backlash of said actions.  I have attempted to write off EVERYONE at one point or another in my life, and this wasn't fair.  You didn't have it coming, nor did you ever do anything to deserve it.  I should have been man enough to deal with my shortcomings with more grace, and yet... I didn't.  I did things to remain blameless (in my eyes) because being the bad guy was often more than I could take.  I'm sorry.  I was a little boy and while I'm still a long way from reaching adulthood (in many respects), I'm getting there.  Day by day.  Step by step.  (I flipped those on purpose to avoid reminding people of that awful sitcom with Duffy and Sommers... which I just reminded you of.  Dammit!).

It's going to take a while before I'm "back to neutral."  I simply want to thank each and every friend who's been there... from each breakup to each new relationship, and every day in between.  Thank you... I'll work harder from here on out to be a better friend, brother, and father. 


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