introspection definition

Introspection (in-truh-spek-shuh n) - noun

1) observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2) the tendency or disposition to do this.
3) sympathetic introspection

Friday, December 5, 2014

A writers greatest fear

I'm speaking as objectively as I can here so please, bear with me *smiles*

A writers biggest fear is a simple one, easy to understand but...

... Well, one must cross a minefield of chaos to reach said revelation.

So without further ado...

The biggest fear of a writer is to have his voice go unheard.

Let me explain...

We may look at writers and think they do it for any number of reasons.  Notoriety, fame, and to influence others has been prevalent.  But the writers I admire, the truly successful ones in heart and soul, are the ones who write to fuel a burning passion.  To hone a craft.  To... Well... Get their voices heard.

There are no good or bad writers, at least not in the way that what they have finished is a simple product.  A form of its own.  You can call it art.  I like to call it my thoughts.  My hobby.  My drive.

I don't want to go unheard anymore.  Even if the thought of putting myself out there terrifies me... I want to write my story.  Any story.  

Even if no one reads it... Even if the book is lost to ashes centuries from now.

My story has to be told.  For my sake and because... I truly believe it's why I'm here.

I know this blog wasn't particularly funny guys... I'll make it up to you.  I promise.

And for A.J....

I'm not afraid anymore.  I'll see you this weekend.  You owe me a lunch. ;)

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