introspection definition

Introspection (in-truh-spek-shuh n) - noun

1) observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2) the tendency or disposition to do this.
3) sympathetic introspection

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Pence at Hamilton

The views and beliefs Pence has and tries to impart are archaic.  They hearken back to a time when we were so far removed from a time of cultural and personal understanding. 

Trump and Pence are bringing back a time we fought hard to leave behind.  Make America Great Again implies that the days behind us were better than the days ahead of us.  That the level of respect and acceptance for our fellow man was better.

But was it?

I remember a time right before Trump was running (2014).  All the progress we made.  The tolerance.  Mental wellness was being championed.  Now it's a punchline.  Racists were afraid to step into the light, now they're marching down our streets.  Hate was still breeding, but we had no problem uniting against it... Now it's splitting our nation. 

Honestly... How are we supposed to come together against hate when it's two months from leading the country?

Trump wasn't a vote for a better America... He was a protest vote.  People knew he was a terrible choice.  People agreed he was horrifying.  But he "wasn't Hillary" and he "wasn't government."  So essentially, he wasn't voted in for who he was... He was voted in for who he wasn't.

Now look at us. 

We are definitely heading back to an older version of America.   But that version was definitely not a great one.

When Trump said he would "Make America Great Again," we should have asked him which era he considered the great one.

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