introspection definition

Introspection (in-truh-spek-shuh n) - noun

1) observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2) the tendency or disposition to do this.
3) sympathetic introspection

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

This Goes Beyond Godwin's Law.

Trump said he doesn't need to be paid as President.

Hitler also refused a salary.

And the allusions don't stop there.

Hitler viciously attacked any person that tried to stand against him.  He smeared their character and said truly hateful things to defame them.

He also discredited the media that reported anything unfavorable, praised those that didnt, and he even went so far as to stop the Freedom of the Press.

After this, he started to disseminate propaganda that turned his public's opinion to that of a more favorable nature. 

He was the final authority on truth. 

If he was 1 of 100 people, and the other 99 said he was a violent sociopath and provided evidence supporting it, he need only say "These 99 are wrong."  This instantly made their claim invalid. 

He was the absolute authority.  He didn't just control a country.  He controlled the minds of a country.

And it didn't start with him saying "I'm going to kill 6 million Jews, run this country through fear and violence, and start a devastating World War."

It started with a promise to fix all the things plaguing the nation and blaming a group of people.

Attacking people:  Attacking Rosie O'Donnell and Jon Stewart via Twitter...

Attacking free press:  Banning media outlets from conferences and smearing their reputation in retaliation to unfavorable articles

Propaganda:  Starting a news station, Trump TV, to combat all the fake news stories.  These will be handled by his team and will paint a favorable opinion of him for the public.

His truth is the only truth:  Politicians, reporters, Americans, employees, assaulted women, and more can say anything about him... And yet his word is taken over theirs... Regardless of any evidence presented.

Promises and rise to power:  He has promised to fix the problems our nation faces and uses immigrants and Muslims as scapegoats.

If you step back and look at this with even a modicum of objectivity, a pattern arises.

In fact, it's not just allusions of a dictator.

It's a carbon copy.

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