introspection definition

Introspection (in-truh-spek-shuh n) - noun

1) observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2) the tendency or disposition to do this.
3) sympathetic introspection

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Pendulum Swings- 12/1/11

When the clock strikes you hear chimes
I hear the passage of time
When the pendulum swings you find peace
I can't help but find reason to be

What we see is different, no doubt
This is a fever you can't sweat out
Lie with me but not at me
The truth will always set you free

We knew the day would arrive
To see if our love could survive
We thought we'd weather that perfect storm
But how do you fight against the norm?

You hold fire, I hold ice
You stay strong, I stay nice
You stay smart, I dumb down
You stay home, I wander around

There's nothing left to really say
We just went a separate way
We lacked everything we need
Now our hearts pump fast to bleed

Strengths is you, wisdom too
I hold beauty in my view
You hold reason, I say no
I'd rather take life- blow by blow

That is all that he wrote
Neither of us can gloat
For forever lies ahead
We wouldn't be better off dead

-M.C.K. 12/1/11 at 2:34 p.m.

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