introspection definition

Introspection (in-truh-spek-shuh n) - noun

1) observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2) the tendency or disposition to do this.
3) sympathetic introspection

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Trump's Hubris: Falling Past Rock Bottom

Donald Trump's inexperience, bigotry, and disparities between what he says he'll do and what he actually does are finally resulting in a sensical downward spiral.

Donald Trump is in trouble.  And all I can say is: "It's about time."

This is a man who was so staunchly supported by Conservative voters that no matter his statements, actions, or hypocrisy... he could bounce back nearly immediately. 

This is a man who stated, proudly, that he could shoot a man in public and not lose any voters.  Not only did his supporters all but prove this statement to be true, but this very quote is one of the most glaring indictments of why Trump should never be President...

To explain why I hold this opinion, I must ask you this one question:

Could you see any of our former Presidents saying an iteration of that quote?

Picture Abraham Lincoln saying:  "I am so beloved by my constituents, that my assault upon a man by deadly firearm would not sway their favorable opinion."

Imagine JFK on the campaign trail stating:  "Ask not whether my bullet will kill you, ask whether this will affect you voting for me."

Is this even fathomable?

To think of any of our past, present, or future leaders repeating anything that Donald Trump has said is an exercise in futility.

He has no experience as a politician.  He also has no experience in being a thoughtful or compassionate human being.

The defensive arguments by Trump supporters are interesting convictions when you see what Trump has been saying and/or doing.

One example is those who say:

"Anyone who supports Sanders is a freeloader who just wants free money."

An interesting point... However, let's look at what Trump has done with a large amount of his campaign funds.

With $6 million dollars of the money he has earned to be used towards his campaign, he has essentially funneled this money into his own company. 

That is 1/5 of his total campaign funds.

Some of the most interesting ways he has spent the campaign money on himself include:

$420,000 to Mar-a-Lago for parties, $4.6 million to TAG Air, and $5,000 to his son's company Eric Trump Winery Manufacturing LLC.

Interesting to note that he once stated any campaign donations would not be used on himself.

Then again, this is the same man who promised to debate Sanders and donate the money generated to charity, but then went back on his word.  So at this point, being flabbergasted seems a bit blasé.

In Trump's latest speech, he stated that:

“Hillary Clinton gave China millions of our best jobs and effectively let China completely rebuild itself,” he said. “In return, Hillary Clinton got rich!”

This is categorically untrue and a bit ironic... Seeing as hundreds of his products are manufactured in China and other foreign countries.

I have always believed that good begets good and bad begets bad... A basic tenet in most Buddhist philosophies. 

Now that Trump is in a tailspin, I can see the validity in this belief.

Trump's supporters will continue to defend every reprehensible thing he says and does until election day.  But at least my fears of this man sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office are finally being laid to rest.

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