To Donald J Trump,
You don't know me. I'm just another American, a conscientious man trying to stay informed and objective in preparation for the upcoming presidential election.
I make it a point (one that I'm proud of) to consider both sides of any story. Somewhere between slant A and slant B lies the truth. So with some fair consideration, some digging, and by leaving emotion at the door... I believe I can say that I have a fair understanding of a situation.
Mr. Trump, I create satire, jokes, and memes. I pride myself at taking life as lightly as possible. Where there is sadness, I choose to smile. Where there is pessimism, I look for a silver lining. I will laugh where others cry because to laugh in the face of tragedy is, in my opinion, conquering that tragedy.
I have tried to stay true to this side of me, but I cannot do this anymore.
Donald Trump, I am appealing to you as a long time Conservative turned Centrist. I am appealing to you as an American who loves this country, the son of an Officer in our military, the brother of hard working mothers, the father of an innocent 8 year old daughter, and friend to lives you would drastically impact if allowed in the most watched, influential, and powerful position in the world. I am appealing to you as a human being of this world, a world you would shape, a world you would affect, on the grandest of scales for a minimum of four years. I am appealing to you, desperately, to hear me now.
Stand down.
This is the time to hang up your expensive suit and tie. This is the time to recognize the ramifications that your words have had on our nation and on the world.
Stand down.
You have divided a nation, and undone years of progress. You have proven how deep xenophobia and prejudice still run in this country. You have allowed your arrogance and hubris to undo all that civil rights leaders and humanitarians have fought, bled, and died for. You have taken their sacrifices and let them down. You have taken the American people and let them down. And, if elected, you will take the positivity of all the people of this world and let them down.
So, I appeal to you...
Stand down.
You are letting narcissism and megalomania drive us into the ground. You've added fuel to a dying fire. The fire called hate. You are promoting that hate. You are feeding that hate. You are breeding that hate. And, if elected, you can only do worse.
Lord Acton said that absolute power corrupts absolutely. This fact is a fair point to consider and easily proven true. Orwell wrote about it, as did Rand and Collins. They wrote of a utopia that wasn't utopia. A paradise that was more like a hell.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Well, what if a man is corrupt prior to attaining that power? What if the man is dangerous and unstable prior to receiving a position of vast influence, of arguably our world's most vital pedestal?
You are that man. In my opinion, I believe you to be far too unfit to see this election to completion, for the damage you have done on the way to the White House can only be made greater if you were allowed to sit at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office.
Arrogance has blinded you to a point of zero accountability for your words, your actions, and your consequences.
Mr. Trump, once again, you don't know me. I'm just an American of good conscience who wants his daughter to see a person of good fortitude, strength, and integrity lead our country these next four years.
I am just a father. A brother. A son.
And I am asking you to stand down.